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Pizza Hut customers who were defrauded in the by two weeks by false credit card usage can thank the (popular?) pizza chain for the privilege. The company was hacked on October 1st and 2nd, simply waited nearly 2 weeks to inform customers that their private data had been compromised. The visitor finally began notifying users on Saturday.

The breach appears to have been full, with hackers making off with names, billing zip codes, delivery addresses, credit card numbers, CVN numbers, and email addresses–everything you'd demand, in other words, to help yourself to someone else's data and personal information. Anyone who ordered a pizza via Pizza Hut's mobile app on October i or Oct 2 was potentially affected.

As the Lexington Herald reports, there were multiple incidents of customers seeing their banking company accounts cleaned out or other catastrophic financial damage. Pizza Hut has told users that a "modest pct" of its customer base was afflicted, only a call center operative told the paper this however translated into roughly 60,000 people. We've talked before nigh how companies try to use misleading metrics in customer service messaging. OnePlus has defended its data gathering every bit a "routine practice" while simultaneously promising it took the need to tell customers what kind of information collecting it did seriously–but only after it got defenseless.

Pizza Hut is offering a year of gratuitous credit monitoring with Knoll Information Assurance, affected customers take up to January 11 to register for the service. It'south not currently clear how many Americans still need credit monitoring in the wake of the cataclysmic Equifax  alienation, and offering this kind of solution has go something of a sop for companies rather than a valid fix for anything. Pizza Hut's Doug Terfehr told the Lexington Herald that it had notified customers every bit quickly every bit information technology could:

We take the privacy and security of our customers very seriously and invest in resources to protect the customer information in our care. We value the trust our customers identify in us and while nosotros were able to address this incident quickly, we regret that this happened and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

In that location are valid reasons to delay announcing a hack; companies ofttimes desire to make certain they've closed the loopholes that made the hack possible in the first place. But waiting this long also risks customer'south personal data, every bit directly evidenced by the tweets from Pizza Hut customers. There's been a plethora of bad security news over the past few months, with the Equifax hack, events like this, and now, news that WPA2 has been catastrophically broken. Data security is more serious than e'er, and yet the tools we employ to provide it have never seemed less capable of the task.